360Learning invites you to their event

Introducing 360Learning for Enterprise: Ship 200% more training projects by leveraging in-house experts


About this event

Don’t you wish there’s an easier way to drive impactful learning within your organizations? 

360Learning for Enterprise helps you do just that.

It provides L&D teams with what you need to crowdsource and prioritize all your teams’ learning needs, match in-house experts with relevant requests, coach your team through the course creation process, and measure your training impact.

To show how this works in action, our Product Manager, Pauline Ferray, will be joined with José Rodrigues, Digital Learning Officer of CGI for a live session on 7 July at 11am EST/5pm CET.

In 40mins, you’ll learn how to:

  • Reinvent the role of L&D in your company from content creator to learning coach
  • Scale learning initiatives by leveraging in-house expertise 
  • Replicate the success of CGI and use 360Learning for Enterprise to: 
  • Map and prioritize 100% of your organization’s learning needs
  • Match internal experts to answer to each learning need
  • Coach teams through course delivery
  • Monitor learning impact and reward experts 

There’ll be a Q&A session at the end where you can ask Pauline and José your questions directly and exchange with other L&D leaders attending the session.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    360 Learning Collaborative Learning Platform @ 360Learning

  • Guest speaker
    Pauline Feray Product Manager @ 360Learning

  • Guest speaker
    Jose Rodrigues Digital Learning Officer @ CGI


Combining collaborative tools with the power of an LMS.

We empower Learning & Development teams to drive culture & growth through Collaborative Learning.