360Learning invites you to their event

Post-Pandemic Manager Training: How to Help Your Managers Manage Their Teams Remotely

About this event

Most companies pivoted to remote working this past year, creating a whole lot of new challenges. Communication, productivity, performance - every aspect of our work has been affected.

None of the usual management techniques apply when your employees are stuck at home with a crying baby or Netflix turned on, and your only communication is over Slack messages or half-frozen Zoom calls. 

Our way of working changed, so why would our way of managing stay the same? 

Your remote employees need to be managed differently, and your managers need help. Effective manager training is the secret to high-performing remote teams. 

To help, we’ve partnered up with Uptick, experts in team management and employee engagement, for a live session to share tips on how to support your managers remotely.

In a short hour, you’ll learn: 

  • Why manager training is absolutely essential in maintaining employee engagement, productivity, and performance
  • Common pitfalls in manager training and how to avoid them
  • Tried-and-tested strategies to train managers to effectively manage remote teams
  • How treating each team member as a unique person builds a stronger remote team
  • How to build a communication framework that keeps the whole team connected
  • How to run better one-on-one meetings remotely

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    Chris Zaugg Co-founder @ Uptick

  • Team member
    Jonah Goldstein Head of Learning @ 360Learning SA

    As Head of L&D, I identify development needs, enable collaborative growth opportunities, and measure performance impact. I'm also the host of the CLO Connect interview series.


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