AddSearch invites you to their event

Accessibility And Your Search Functionality: Your Checklist for Success

About this event

As websites today are quite complex and large, it is important to provide easy ways to find the desired content. Search functionality can be essential for users with visual impairments, cognitive and/or physical disabilities.

In this webinar, you will learn what makes site search accessible, as well as the most common pitfalls to avoid.

Some of the topics covered include:

  • Why site search is an important part of accessibility
  • Which WCAG criteria to take into account
  • The fundamentals of accessible and search engine indexable page structure
  • Typical search UIs - success factors & pitfalls


Discover the full potential of site search

AddSearch is a lightning-fast fully-featured accurate site search platform with customizable design. AddSearch helps you to get the most out of your website