Adiuvo Engineering and Training, Ltd. invites you to their event

Magical Maths

About this event

Programmable logic is used across a wide range of applications, from signal and image processing to robotics and machine learning.

At the core of these applications is the ability to implement mathematical algorithms within a programmable logic.

This webinar will provide an introduction and thorough grounding on how mathematical algorithms can be implemented in programmable logic. There will be an emphasis on how we can leverage the features provided by AMD programmable logic to implement these algorithms to provide the best performance.

Key areas covered in the webinar include:

  • Introduction to applications using maths in programmable logic
  • The difference between fixed and floating point maths
  • Why programmable logic is often more suited to fixed point maths
  • How do we work with fixed point maths in programmable logic
  • What are the rules of fixed point maths in programmable logic?
  • How we can implement complex algorithms and filters using fixed point maths
  • The benefits of using AMD Vitis™ High Level Synthesis to implement algorithms
  • Leveraging Matlab / Simulink and AMD Vitis™ Model Composer to implement math solutions.

As always, this will be an interactive session with questions and comments encouraged throughout the webinar.

All examples will be presented using AMD Vivado™ Design Suite 2024.1.

AMD sponsored this workshop, including engineering hours. AMD, and the AMD Arrow logo, Vitis, Vivado, and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Other product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective companies.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Adam Taylor Founder and Principal Consultant @ Adiuvo Engineering and Training, Ltd.

    Adam Taylor is a chartered engineer and fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology. He is an expert in FPGA and Embedded Systems design, with a specialization in high-reliability design.

Adiuvo Engineering and Training, Ltd.

Embedded Systems and FPGA Specialists

Founded in 2014, Adiuvo Engineering & Training, Ltd. is a consultancy that provides embedded systems design, training, and marketing services. Our aim is to help create better engineering AND better engineers.