Adiuvo Engineering and Training, Ltd. invites you to their event

Perfecting PetaLinux Workshop


About this event

Do you want to use PetaLinux Embedded Linux solutions on your AMD Xilinx processor?

AMD Xilinx devices such as the Zynq-7000, Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC, Versal and MicroBlaze provide us a range of processing solutions which can be used for our embedded systems.

Many applications require the use of an embedded Linux solution, within the AMD Xilinx ecosystem this is often provided by using PetaLinux.

This workshop will help attendees get started with PetaLinux.

Topics included in the workshop will include:

  • What is PetaLinux - Why do we use it and when
  • The PetaLinux project flow - How does it integrate with Vitis and Vivado
  • PetaLinux and Yocto
  • Understanding the PetaLinux boot flow
  • Device trees
  • Customizing device trees for applications
  • Project creation - Importing hardware designs
  • Customizing Kernel / Root FS
  • Creating SW applications
  • Debugging applications

Full step by step instructions will be provided as always.

The workshop will be based around PetaLinux 2022.1 which can be downloaded here.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Adam Taylor Founder and Principal Consultant @ Adiuvo Engineering and Training, Ltd.

    Adam Taylor is a chartered engineer and fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology. He is an expert in FPGA and Embedded Systems design, with a specialization in high-reliability design.

Adiuvo Engineering and Training, Ltd.

Embedded Systems and FPGA Specialists

Founded in 2014, Adiuvo Engineering & Training, Ltd. is a consultancy that provides embedded systems design, training, and marketing services. Our aim is to help create better engineering AND better engineers.