About this event
“Embedding inequality reduction into development cooperation. How do we do it?”
In 2018, Oxfam, CASE/LSE and SOAS/University of London worked together to develop the Multidimensional Inequality Framework (MIF), a new tool to help measure and understand inequalities, identify their causes and suggest solutions for inequality reduction in areas that matter for human life and wellbeing. Since then, the MIF has been piloted in different contexts, at local, national and sub-regional level. AFD, AECID and DEVCO, through the Research Facility on Inequalities, have been key partners in the journey. The projects implemented have helped identify strengths of the tool, but also some of its limitations and challenges. Under the same Facility, ACEIR and AFD have also carried out a number of “inequality diagnostics” at country level, also with a multidimensional approach. Additionally, UNDP’s HD report2019 focuses on the notion of multidimensional inequalities too. Recently, DEVCO has published its Staff Working Document on embedding inequality reduction in development cooperation, the EC’s Council have released its resolutions on inequality and the EC is currently working on a Reference Document on Inequality. Those documents acknowledge that inequality is a multidimensional phenomenon, and stress the need to take determined steps towards embedding inequality reduction into development cooperation effectively. In light of the emerging socioeconomic consequences of the pandemic Covid-19, a multifaceted perspective on inequality is more needed than ever to adequately monitor and respond to its diverse impact.
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