Air Liquide invites you to their event

2024 Air Liquide Engine Emissions Testing Webinar

About this event

We are pleased to invite you to the 3rd Air Liquide Engine Emissions Testing Webinar

Date/Time: 10:00 am to 16:00 pm CET on October 15th 2024

Language: English

The presentations are provided as modules, meaning that you can attend just those parts which you are interested in. Below are the list of topics which will be covered and presented

The webinar is made for technicians, analytical experts and laboratory managers in the automotive industry who are interested in ensuring or improving analytical performance. It is free of charge, all you have to do is to register. Feel free to forward this to any of your colleagues.

Topics to be discussed

10:00 - Welcome and introduction of presenters

10:15 - Christophe Lachaud & Martin Vasarhelyi - ISO 17025 and 17034 accredited mixtures for emissions measurements - ISO-17025 and also ISO-17034 mixtures are increasing in importance for emissions measurements for both regulatory and reliability purposes. But the choice of accredited mixtures have implications for both users and vendors.

10:45 - Doug King - H2/He or H2/N2 for hydrocarbon measurements - Helium markets have experienced a series of extended periods of short supply since 2006, users are increasingly looking into switching to alternatives. What do you need to consider before switching?

11:15 - Dr. Stephen Miller - Qualification of regulator performance - Making sure that you choose use and prepare the right gas delivery equipment for reliable results

11:30 Break

13:00 - Dr. Stephen Miller and Doug King - Stability and traceability of low concentration reactive mixtures - Stability and traceability of low concentration reactive mixtures, the do’s and don’ts. Dr. Stephen Miller and Doug King

13:30 - Doug King - NO behavior / dual NO-NOx mixes / traceable acid-free NO2 blends - Most EET labs run chemiluminescence in NOx mode. How do we certify, with traceability and calculated uncertainty, both NO and NOx. Maintaining stability of NO2 and preventing/minimizing formation of HNO3

14:00 Break

14:30 - Dr. Stephen Miller and Doug King - Ammonia analysis under Euro 7d - How do we analyze NH3, how do you analyze NH3?

15:00 - Dr. Stephen Miller - Analyzing formaldehyde, traceability and uncertainty - Sample extraction and analysis is extremely difficult. How do you get your analytical values right? How can we guarantee stability, uncertainty and traceability?

Air Liquide

Air Liquide is a world leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and Health.

With 67,100 employees in 73 countries, Air Liquide serves more than 3.9 million customers and patients. Oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen are small molecules essential to life, matter and energy.