Allfunds invites you to their event

GSS Bonds Market Trends

About this event

Allfunds and MainStreet Partners are delighted to invite you to our webinar "GSS Bonds Market Trends" on the 9th of May 2023 at 16.00 CEST. During the webinar we’ll discuss insights and key takeaways from our latest Green, Social and Sustainability (GSS) Bonds Quarterly Report (Q1 2023).

Our experts will present their latest findings, highlighting the role of that GSS Bonds have in channeling funds to Developing Markets and promoting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Our GSS Bonds database helps investors understand the potential of their GSS Bonds, leveraging data to measure ESG risks and report the sustainability performance of their assets.

We will review the following two main trends discussed in the report:

  • More and more proceeds are being directed towards the Emerging Markets, suggesting that sustainable fixed-income securities are an effective instrument to bridge the gap in climate funding.
  • Sustainability-Linked Bonds (SLBs) are an increasingly important tool to connect sustainable capital and investors across all sectors. However, investors are grappling with their complexity, and phenomena such as the "restating" of Performance Targets of SLBs are financially material events for investors and should be carefully looked out for.


  • Paige Orlik, Product Specialist, MainStreet Partners
  • Pietro Sette, Research Director, MainStreet Partners
  • Jaime Diaz Rio, Research Associate, MainStreet Partners

Hosted by

  • Team member
    David Moreno Allfunds Connect @ Allfunds

  • Guest speaker
    JD G
    Jaime Diaz-Rio Varez Research Analyts @ MainStreet Partners

  • Guest speaker
    Paige Orlik Product Specialist @ MainStreet Partners

  • Guest speaker
    Pietro Sette Research Associate @ MainStreet Partners

  • Guest speaker
    LR G
    Laura Regi Marketing @ MainStreet Partners


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