bNovate Technologies SA invites you to their event

Online bacteria monitoring applications to improve water quality

About this event

The benefits of online monitoring of bacteria are diverse. Learn how two companies have improved their water quality using BactoSense automated flow cytometers. One by evaluating the efficiency of filtration and disinfection steps, the other by reducing contamination risk through fast results of the microbial water quality.

During the webinar you will also have the opportunity to find out the latest development around the BactoSense solution.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Celine Jaeger Chief Revenue Officer @ bNovate Technologies SA

  • Guest speaker
    Sverrir Guðmundsson Water Supply R&D Lead @ Veitur Water Utility

    Sverrir is Senior Engineer and Water Supply R&D Lead at Veitur Utilities, Iceland. He is an Electrical engineer and holds an M.S. degree in mathematical modeling and computer vision. He is a former head of Engineering Technology and Research Associate in Glaciology at the University of Iceland.

  • Guest speaker
    Alexandra Hauret Water treatment process engineer @ Service de l'eau Ville de Lausanne

    Alexandra is a process engineer for the Water Department in Lausanne. She works on the operation of water treatment pilots. She participates in the renewal and optimization of drinking water production chains and in the monitoring of water quality. She holds a Master in Environment Sciences.

bNovate Technologies SA

Water quality control made fast and easy with online microbiological monitoring.

Safe water. Anytime. Anywhere.