Bpifrance invites you to their event

Abu Dhabi’s thriving Ecosystem as a launch pad to the MENA region - ADGM / Bpifrance Webinar

About this event

Bpifrance, the French Public Investment Bank, and ADGM (Abu Dhabi Global Market)
Abu Dhabi’s International Financial Center, are happy to share information about:

Abu Dhabi’s thriving Ecosystem as a launch pad to the MENA region !

21 April 11 – 12 am CET

Why this webinar ?

After the signature of a cooperation agreement last year, our objective is to make it operational and allow French companies to know more about Abu Dhabi’s ecosystem.
It is composed of several structures aiming at helping companies to develop and/or scale up in the United Arab Emirates and especially in Abu Dhabi.
Some of the key players will give you more detailed information about their structure and your development potential
Webinar Content: moderated by Lana Ravel, Area Manager Middle East, Turkey and Central Asia (Bpifrance)

Introduction and Context: setting the scene

- Cooperation agreements with Abu Dhabi (Simon Beauroy Director, Strategic Partnerships Development, Sovereign Wealth Funds and Long-Term Investors Bpifrance)
- Introduction of ADGM to French Companies (Philippe Richard, Executive Director International Affairs, FSRA)

Abu Dhabi Tech ecosystem and how it works:

- Overview of the Abu Dhabi ecosystem (Carmen James, Financial Services and ICT Sector Lead)
- The regulatory Framework and Fintech ecosystem (ADGM Wai Lum Kwok-Senior Executive Director- Authorisation)
- Hub71: A Global tech ecosystem and its programs, plus a company’s testimony (Elodie Robin Head of Growth and Strategy)
- Investment opportunities (Mattia Fugazza Mubadala Ventures)

Questions and answers

Wrap up

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    CJ G
    Carmen James Financial Services & ICT Sector Lead @ ADIO

  • Guest speaker
    WL G
    Wai Lum Kwok Senior Executive Director @ ADGM

  • Guest speaker
    MF G
    Mattia Fugazza Mubadala Venture @ Mubadala

  • Guest speaker
    ER G
    Elodie Robin Head of Growth and Strategy @ HUB71

  • Guest speaker
    GH G
    Guillaume Hallez Abu Dhabi Investment Office @ ADIO

  • Guest speaker
    PR G
    Philippe Richard Executive Director - International Affairs Financial Services Regulatory Authority @ ADGM

  • Guest speaker
    SB G
    Simon Beauroy Strategic Partnerships Development, Sovereign Wealth Funds and Long-Term Investors @ Bpifrance

  • Team member
    LR T
    Lana Ravel Responsable régionale @ Bpifrance

  • Team member
    RT T
    Renan Thebault

  • Team member
    Isabelle Lebo Responsable des Partenariats Internationaux @ Bpifrance