Bpifrance invites you to their event

New business opportunities in the Mediterranean area from the reorganization of global supply chains

About this event

Africinvest, Bpifrance and Siparex, the founders of Euromed Capital (association to promote private equity in Mediterranean countries) invite you to participate in three online webinars in 2021 on the following theme:

"What new business opportunities are emerging in the Mediterranean area from the reorganization of global supply chains?"

The first webinar on Italy will take place on Thursday 6 May at 11 am (11 am – 12.30 pm), FREE REGISTRATION

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    NE G
    Nicolas Eschermann

  • Guest speaker
    AG G
    Anna Gervasoni AIFI

  • Guest speaker
    VC G
    Valentina Cogliati

  • Guest speaker
    Isabelle Bebear Directrice des affaires internationales & européennes @ Bpifrance

  • Guest speaker
    TB G
    Tomaso Barbini

  • Guest speaker
    FP G
    Frantz Puccetti Crédit Agricole

  • Guest speaker
    KT G
    Karim Trad