BUCHI Laboratory Equipment invites you to their event

Open column versus Flash Chromatography – Tradition meets Modernity

About this event

Bring your lab gear and join Birke Götz (Product Manager), Martin Verstegen (Sales Manager), and Björn Brodbeck (Application Chemist) for a hands-on session on how to transition from open column to flash chromatography.

During this session, our specialists delve into the key points of open column and flash chromatography. Discover each technique's pros and cons and how to easily switch from one method to another, achieving high automation with maximum speed.

Register today for free and unveil the following benefits of chromatography:

  • Basic principles of liquid chromatography
  • The advantages of column chromatography
  • The best features of flash chromatography
  • How to execute separations in a more sustainable and efficient way
  • How to switch from open column to flash chromatography

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Birke Götz Product Manager Purification @ BUCHI Labortechnik

    I am a Global Product Manager for Purification at BUCHI Labortechnik AG and located in the headquarter in Flawil, Switzerland.

BUCHI Laboratory Equipment

Quality in your hands

With our easy-to-use, high-quality laboratory and in-process solutions, we want to contribute to the health, safety and well-being of humans and the environment. Our specialists around the world actively support our customers in finding a perfect solution for their application.