BuildSoft invites you to their event

1-2-3 Column Base and Tubular Connection design with PowerConnect - faster, better and easier!

About this event

In this half an hour webinar you'll make your first PowerConnect models - a column base connection and a tubular connection.

You will learn why PowerConnect is a great connection to have in your toolbox.

We will set up a column base connection with RHS section and a tubular connection with I chord, for which we will walk through the different configuration parameters and loads. You will learn how to understand the results and add stiffening elements. Finally we will make a calculation report and export the drawings to CAD software.

Bonus! At the end of the webinar you'll get a sneak preview of a new connection that will be released in PowerConnect 2022!

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Dorothee De Pauw Success Manager @ BuildSoft

  • Team member
    Bert Quintelier Account Manager @ Buildsoft


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