c21-virtual invites you to their event

The 5G Journey... the 6G Destination 24.v2: Hyperconverged TMT Networks... Space + Terrestrial Multi Play

About this event

5G is the fifth-generation wireless cellular technology standard, and quite unlike previous generations, unlocks the potential of groundbreaking technologies that are set to transform human life in all of its aspects including AI, IoT, virtualisation and augmented reality.  The 5G / 6G journey will generate revenues measured in the trillions and data volumes measured in hundreds of zettabytes.  This programme will provide a snapshot of these enabling technologies and their various use-cases, and how both Space and Earth based wireless communications technologies will hyperconverge to provide ubiquitous connectivity in a new age of service delivery, promising availability anytime, anywhere... and to anyone.  

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    Maxime Flament Chief Technology Officer (CTO) @ 5G Automotive Association (5GAA)

  • Guest speaker
    Vivek Rao APAC Leader - Presales | Solution Consulting | Business Development @ Nokia

  • Guest speaker
    Andersonn Kohl Satellite Technology and Solutions Manager @ Telebras

  • Guest speaker
    Agostinho Linhares Executive Director @ IPE Digital

    Agostinho Linhares, Executive-Director of the Research Institute for Digital Economy (IPE Digital), brings over 20 years of telecom sector expertise. He has held key positions at the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel), such as Manager of Spectrum, Orbit, and Broadcasting, participating in the drafting of the “5G Auction Rules” and was Head of the Brazilian Delegation in the World Radiocommunication Conferences of 2015 and 2019. He holds a PhD in Telecommunications and have published more than 40 scientific papers.

  • Guest speaker
    Andrea Bucciarelli Managing Director - Marketing & Sales Director @ Gordionet

  • Guest speaker
    Telemaco Melia Board Member @ LoRa Alliance

  • Guest speaker
    Manish Pathak Industry Expert and Thought Leader @ Infosys Consulting

  • Team member
    Paul Stahl Executive Director @ c21-virtual


c21-virtual was derived from EMP, which since 2002 had organised roundtable style conferences across Asia, Africa, the Middle East, North America, South America, and Europe, more than 150 live events in total.