Carbon Direct invites you to their event

Spotlight on the Emerging Market for Sustainable Aviation Fuel

About this event

Today, aviation is responsible for approximately 2% of greenhouse gas emissions globally. Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) has emerged as the primary means of emissions abatement for the aviation industry, but significant barriers to widespread adoption remain. Despite the challenges, the urgency to bring SAF to scale continues to grow as airlines and corporations look to reduce their scope 1 and scope 3 emissions associated with air travel.

In this webcast, Dr. Julio Friedmann, a globally respected expert in decarbonization and carbon management, and Dr. John Dees, author of the recently published Sustainable Aviation Fuels Primer, provide a comprehensive overview of the state of SAF today. The discussion will cover:

  • The SAF landscape today, including the full range of fuel types, carbon intensities, sustainability criteria, and costs. 
  • How book-and-claim models spread the emissions reductions benefits and costs of SAF across scope 1 and scope 3 emitters to accelerate commercial development and scale.
  • How organizations like the GHG protocol and SBTi view SAF and its implications for both airlines and corporations. 
  • What are key issues regarding sustainability, carbon, equity, and ability yo bring solutions to market.

For aviation procurement leaders, corporate sustainability leaders, and others interested in better understanding pathways to scale, join us for expert guidance on the future of SAF.

Carbon Direct

Go from climate goal to climate action.

Carbon Direct is a science-first carbon management firm that helps organizations reduce their carbon footprint with their end-to-end platform.