Caribou invites you to their event

Healthcare Costs & End-of-Year Planning: What Advisors Need to Know

About this event

End-of-year planning is all about reviewing the past year’s performance and planning for next year. As you prepare for end-of-year planning and gather information to review 2023 and plan for 2024, don’t forget to include healthcare costs, the third-highest expense in retirement, and one of the top five highest expenses for the average American adult. Including healthcare costs in your end-of-year planning will help you to create a more accurate financial plan for clients, so tune into this webinar to learn how to include it in your year-end reviews!

In this webinar, we’ll go over:

  • The impact of healthcare costs on a financial plan.
  • The critical information to include, such as medical tax deductions, IRMAA, and out-of-pocket costs, to name a few.
  • How to budget for potential costs in a world of variables (there’s no crystal ball!).
  • Tangible strategies to implement during Open Enrollment to ensure clients are on the optimal coverage for the upcoming year.

Christine Simone, Caribou CEO, will present this topic and answer any questions you have at the end of the webinar.


Learn how we help financial advisors and their clients build stronger financial futures through healthcare planning.