Catholic Apostolate Center invites you to their event

Directory for Catechesis Webinar Series: Fostering a Culture of Inclusion in Evangelization & Catechesis

Thursday, February 25th 2021 - 7:00 PM (GMT)

The event is over. See you in the next one.

About this event

Description: Human diversity is of great importance for evangelization and catechesis. In Baptism, we become equal in dignity as necessary members of the Body of Christ and all persons, however limited, are capable of growth in holiness. Persons with disabilities, and their families, seek to be included in the full life of the Church. God’s vision of love calls us to bring about this reality. Come explore ways faith communities and the faithful can foster a culture of inclusion so that all members of the Body of Christ can live a sacramental life!

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Catholic Apostolate Center

  • Guest speaker
    Charleen Katra Executive Director @ National Catholic Partnership on Disability

    Charleen Katrais the Executive Director of the National Catholic Partnership on Disability(NCPD). She previously served as an Associate Director inthe Office of Evangelization and Catechesis for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. For over twenty years her primary responsibility was directing the Ministry with Persons with Disabilities. Charleen is the co-author of The Adaptive Teacher: Faith-Based Strategies to Reach and Teach Learners with Disabilities (Loyola Press, 2019) and the author ofHow to Talk to Children about People with Disabilities(Twenty-Third Publications, 2019). She has extensive experience in systematic and sacramental catechesis and has served as a national consultant, author, and speaker on the topic of inclusion for various Catholic publishers. Charleen is currently a member of the Loyola Press Speaker Corp. She holds a Bachelor's in Special/ElementaryEducation and a Master’s in Pastoral Studies.

Catholic Apostolate Center

Reviving Faith • Rekindling Charity • Forming Apostles

The Catholic Apostolate Center takes its inspiration from the spirituality of St. Vincent Pallotti and achieves its goal of deepening collaboration with dioceses and other organizations by creating formation programs for the New Evangelization through creating resources.