CDRCP invites you to their event

Child Care Quality Presentation and Online Feedback Survey - NEW QEI

About this event

We are excited to share with you a virtual presentation and feedback survey for the new Quality Enhancement Initiative (QEI) being developed by Peel Region, in collaboration with Child Development Resource Connection Peel.  

This message is a follow up to the information shared on October 10th where we provided background on the new initiative and invited you to attend focus groups with our consultant, Jennifer Kirkham.  

For those that are not able to attend a focus group, this virtual engagement method has been created so that we can hear from as many voices in the early years and child care system as possible. Your participation and feedback are essential in the development and implementation of the new QEI. 

To fill out the survey click on the following link:

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Professional Learning Team CDRCP


Child Development Resource Connection Peel (CDRCP) connects the community and practitioners with the information, resources, training and services that promote quality family life.