About this event
The Government is granting, under certain conditions, investment aids to encourage companies in financial difficulty, following a significant drop in turnover, to carry out investments that would have been cancelled or postponed as a result of the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
This workshop will give you a presentation of main R&D and Innovation aid schemes and eligibility criteria in Luxembourg, including a focus on COVID-19 specific investment aid schemes.
Speakers : Avit Blanchy, Senior Advisor, Corporate R&D and Innovation Support & Stephanie Silvestri, Senior Advisor, Start-up Acceleration, Luxinnovation
Organizer :
House of Entrepreneurship
E : info(at)houseofentrepreneurship.lu
T : (+352) 42 39 39 - 330
Politique de protection des données personnelles
La Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg via sa House of Entrepreneurship soutient les entreprises et propose une offre consolidée de services aux porteurs de projets et aux dirigeants établis pour faciliter la vie de l’entrepreneur et de lui permettre de se développer.