Chambre de Commerce invites you to their event

ONLINE WORKSHOP: E-invoicing in Europe – What You Need to Know

About this event

What will you learn?

The current state of e-invoicing regulations across Europe, specific requirements in key countries, and what you need to do to ensure compliance moving forward.

Who is it for?

Anyone keen to learn more about e-invoicing and the recent shift towards continuous transaction control (CTC) - particularly looking for ways to simplify their current e-invoicing solution.

About the workshop:

In this webinar ecosio’s e-invoicing expert will explore the recent and upcoming developments concerning e-invoicing across Europe, looking specifically at those that are most likely to impact your business, plus the pre-emptive steps you can take to ensure your solution remains successful.

As a certified Peppol Access Point in Europe and Singapore and an active member of the global Peppol community worldwide, we will also cover the most recent developments relating to Peppol.

Topics covered will include:

  • Upcoming e-invoicing regulations
  • What is Peppol and why is it important?
  • The benefits of connecting to Peppol via API
  • What does implementing an e-invoicing solution involve?

The speaker

Dr Philipp Liegl manages the operational business at ecosio and coordinates the handling of customer projects.

  • UN/CEFACT standardisation contributor
  • Over 15 years of EDI project experience in FMCG, retail, manufacturing, industry and automotive
  • Coordinated international EDI and e-invoicing projects as technical project leader
  • Still loves to tinker around with integration challenges – in particular with SAP

A program developed by the House of Entrepreneurship of the Chamber of Commerce.


House of Entrepreneurship

14, rue Erasme, L-1468 Luxembourg


Tél : ( +352 ) 42 39 39 - 840


Politique de protection des données personnelles

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Chambre de Commerce

  • Guest speaker
    PL G
    Philipp Liegl ecosio

Chambre de Commerce

Powering Business

La Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg via sa House of Entrepreneurship soutient les entreprises et propose une offre consolidée de services aux porteurs de projets et aux dirigeants établis pour faciliter la vie de l’entrepreneur et de lui permettre de se développer.