About this event
With more than 8 million daily passengers and continually increasing traffic, Paris Region’s public transportation system requires an upgrade and extension to meet the ambitions of the Grand Paris program. The Grand Paris Express project has been launched and is the 4th largest infrastructure project in the world in terms of cost.
The Grand Paris Express project aims to build 4 new automatic metro lines (15, 16, 17 et 18) circling Paris and extend two existing lines, which will add a total of 205 km of new rail and 68 new stations by 2030. Furthermore, 186 urban development projects are underway in 35 of the districts surrounding the new stations which will result in the construction of 84,000 housing units, 2.5 million m² of office space, and more than 2.1 million m² of other business space.
The Grand Paris Express is mobilizing 21 tunnel burrowing machines. Together, they will extract 43 million tons of excavated soil.
Société du Grand Paris invites all international companies to respond to its Call for Tenders.
This Webinar will provide information on:
Needs and technical requirements of system workstreams presented by Société du Grand Paris
Technical Management Assistance testimonials presented by EGIS and SYSTRA:
Our Q&A session will be a friendly forum to ask questions, share challenges and brainstorm on engagement related issues. The event will be in English, free, and open to all!
We look forward to seeing you!
Set up and scale up your business in Paris Region, main hub of the European market, to expand your international business.