Construction Industry Council invites you to their event

CIC Webinar on BIM Talks by Government Departments

About this event

Experience Sharing and Roadmap by Government Departments

CIC's goal is to bring together bright minds to give talks that are related to the successful implementation of BIM in real life, and on a wide range of topics to accelerate BIM adoption. BIM experts of different background from the industry will be invited to share their "how-to-BIM" experience in BIM Talks.

Speakers and Topics:

  • Welcome Address

Ar. Ada FUNG, Chairperson, Committee on BIM, Construction Industry Council

Ar. Ada FUNG is the Chairperson of the Committee on BIM of the CIC. With a passion to drive BIM adoption in both local and global arena, Ada is President of Hong Kong Alliance of Built Asset & Environment Information Management Associations, Chairperson of Hong Kong Chapter of buildingSMART International, and Chairperson of Asia-Pacific Regional BIM Group.

Being an Architect by profession, Ada is an active member in society, driving continuous improvement and sustainable development for the built asset industry. She has been the Deputy Director of Housing supervising the Development & Construction Division of the Housing Department until end of 2017. Ada is the President of the Lighthouse Club (HK), and Director of the Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre, amongst other services in the civil society.

  • Development of Common Spatial Data Infrastructure in Hong Kong

Ms. Winnie SHIU, Head of Spatial Data Office, Development Bureau

Abstract: Enhancing the use and sharing of spatial data is increasingly recognised worldwide as the key to robust policy-making and driving innovation and value creation of society. Spatial data infrastructure is vitally important to smart city development as delivered in the Smart City Blueprint. The speaker will share with the audience the road map for the development of Common Spatial Data Infrastructure, its' benefits and the potential applications of spatial data.

  • Electronic Submission Hub for centralised processing of electronic submission of building development and other applications under the Buildings Ordinance.

Mr. Robert CHENG, Chief Building Surveyor/New Territories East (2) and Rail, Buildings Department

Abstract: Buildings Department (BD) has embarked on the development of an Electronic Submission Hub (ESH), a new information system for centralised processing of electronic building plans and documents as well as other applications under the Buildings Ordinance, as an alternative to the present paper-based system. ESH will not only provide the platform for the industry to submit building plans and applications electronically, but will also enable BD and relevant departments/organisations under the Centralised Processing System to process the submissions via the hub, thus streamlining the development approval process. ESH will also facilitate submissions prepared by Building Information Modelling (BIM) and encourage the greater and fuller use of BIM in the industry.

The speaker will introduce the framework, benefits and implementation timeframe of ESH and present its key features and the technologies adopted for electronic submission and plan processing. The webinar introduces the new electronic submission and processing system for building development and other applications under the Buildings Ordinance and promotes early preparation for digital transformation.

  • The establishment of a territory-wide BIM Data Repository

Mr. CHANG Kwok-fai, Assistant Director/Survey & Mapping, Lands Department

Abstract: Lands Department is establishing a territory-wide BIM Data Repository to support three initiatives: the creation of sharable BIM; the integration of BIM and GIS; and data updating of the 3D Map. The project comprises of a consultancy study and 3 phases of implementation. First, a 6-month BIM Data Repository Consultancy has already been started to define the road map of developing the BIM Data Repository System and conduct a proof-of-concept for an application of BIM/GIS integration. Then, the Phase 1 implementation will create a cloud-based BIM Data Repository System for storing and sharing of BIM data, as well as a unified environment for 3D visualisation and basic 3D analytic functions. In the Phase 2 implementation, data from BIM will be extracted for the creation of objects in LandsD's 3D Map. At Phase 3 implementation, a centralised BIM database will be formed to serve the users via BIM API.

This presentation will share more details of the consultancy and three stages of implementation, and how they could be integrated to support BIM adoption in the construction industry.

  • Common Spatial Data Infrastructure - Built Environment Applications Platform

Mr. Jerry AUSTIN, Chief Town Planner/Information Systems and Land Supply, Planning Department

Abstract: Enhancing the use and sharing of spatial data is increasingly recognised as the key to better policy-making and to drive innovation. To facilitate the availability of and access to spatial data, the Government is working towards the establishment of a Common Spatial Data Infrastructure (CSDI). Under the CSDI initiative, the Planning Department has completed the feasibility study on Development of a Common Spatial Data Infrastructure - Built Environment Application Platform (the CSDI-BEAP Study) in March 2020.

In the presentation, Mr. Jerry AUSTIN of PlanD will share the major findings of the CSDI-BEAP Study. Under the Study, 10 built environment prototype applications covering ‘Planning and Landuse’, ‘Infrastructure and Engineering’ and ‘Landscape, Environment and Conservation’ thematic areas were found technically feasible and considered practical in enhancing daily business operation of the Government. The BEAP applications would enable a smart governance by fostering co-operation, collaboration and co-creation with different Government departments through application sharing. He will demonstrate the key features of the three prototype applications, which are prioritized as ‘Quick-win Projects’, namely ‘GIC Facilities and Open Space Analysis’, ‘Site Search’ and ‘Visualization and Analysis of Urban Green Infrastructure’.

Participating in this webinar counts for 2 CPD hours. The e-Certificate of Attendance will be sent via email to qualified participants within one month following the webinar.

Language: Cantonese

Should you have any inquiries, please contact Ms. WONG at / 2100 9034.

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    Mr. Robert Cheng Chief Building Surveyor/New Territories East (2) and Rail @ Buildings Department

  • Guest speaker
    Mr. Jerry Austin Chief Town Planner/Information Systems and Land Supply @ Planning Department

  • Guest speaker
    Mr. Chang Kwok-fai Assistant Director/Survey & Mapping @ Lands Department

  • Guest speaker
    Ms. Winnie Shiu Head of Spatial Data Office @ Development Bureau

  • Guest speaker
    Ar. Prof. Ada Fung Chairperson, Committee on BIM @ Construction Industry Council