Construction Industry Council invites you to their event

物聯網科技在建造安全方面上的應用 The Application of Internet of Things (IoT) Technology on Construction Safety

About this event

物聯網技術於近年迅速發展,這技術應用於建造工人及工地上的實時監控也成為近年建造業界的熱門議題,幫助業界邁進建造業2.0的新里程。今次的CIC Power Talk,由香港珠海學院林志雄教授工程師講解如何應用物聯網科技的概念改善建造安全及分享相關應用例子,屆時香港建造業分包商聯會副會長暨香港模板商會副會長陳振芳先生也會就業界應用物聯網技術方面與林教授工程師互相交流。

Internet of Things (IoT) technology has been growing rapidly in recent years and the application of IoT technology on real-time site monitoring of construction site personnel and environment is currently a hot topic and trend, leading towards Construction 2.0 milestone. In this webinar, Ir Prof. LAM Chi Hung, Louis, Head, Department of Civil Engineering, Chu Hai College of Higher Education, Hong Kong will share ideas and real examples on of the impact of application of IoT technology and its impact in enhancing safety in the construction industry. Mr. Chan Chun Fong, Vice President, Hong Kong Construction Sub-Contractors Association and Vice President, Hong Kong Formwork Contractors Association with Ir Prof. LAM will also exchange their ideas on the application of IoT technology in the industry.


1) 是次網上研討會以廣東話進行。

This webinar will be conducted in Cantonese.

2) 出席率達80%的參加者將於研討會後1個月內透過電郵獲得1小時持續專業進修時數的電子證書。

An electronic copy of 1 hour CPD attendance certificate will be issued to participants with 80% or above attendance within one month after the live webinar by email.

3) 查詢︰


Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    Ir Prof. LAM Chi-hung, Louis

    Head, Department of Civil Engineering @ Chu Hai College of Higher Education, Hong Kong

  • Guest speaker
    Chun Fong Chan

    Vice President @ Hong Kong Construction Sub-Contractors Association and Vice President @ Hong Kong Formwork Contractors Association