Coda invites you to their event

Nail the Basics: Fundamentals of Coda

About this event

We’ll cover the basics of using a Coda doc, a few advanced moves, and a tour of our time-tested templates to get you started quickly. Oh, and you're likely to hear at least one monologue about the future of automation. Think interactive hangout more than formulaic webinar!

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Joseph Carey Growth Manager

  • Team member
    Maggie Barnes

    Maggie is a Coda Coach who helps onboard and educate new Coda users. She loves that with Coda, everyone can find a way to organize that works for them!

  • Team member
    Sarah Wry Growth Manager

    Sarah is a Growth Manager who specializes in helping brand new users overcome the learning curve. Get to know her favorite docs by visiting her Maker Profile above.


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