iDeaS by COGES EVENTS invites you to their event

ESG challenges and impacts for the future of Defense Industry


About this event

As part of our monthly iDeaS by COGES Events, we are pleased to present this 12th e-conference - in English - organised for the occasion in collaboration with our partner 3AED-IHEDN :

ESG challenges and impacts for the future of Defense Industry

Covid Pandemic focused public attention on their domestic resilience and the unexpected weakness of globalized supply chain. In addition, the rise of high intensity conflicts throughout the world together with the use of hybrid means and weapons seems to blur the perception of a peaceful future.

However, Climate change, ESG principles, sustainable finance and private regulations have a growing impact on this “Maslow’s pyramid first stages (physiologic and safety needs).

Therefore, under which condition could ESG be an opportunity for Defense Industry?

Main Points:

  • What ESG challenges Defense Industry is currently facing?
  • Is ESG regulation an additional burden for Defense Industry or an opportunity to grow and expand?
  • What kind of contradiction do you anticipate between operational efficiency and ESG compliance?
  • Which rules should be put in place for green bonds, sustainable financial product, and other financial products to enclose and support Defense industry firms meeting ESG requirements?


  • Léa BENASSEM--DURIEUX, Conferences Manager, COGES Events
  • Valérie BERTHEAU, President 3AED-IHEDN


  • Amélie FEREY, Research Fellow, Coordinator of the Defense Research Unit - LRD, Security Studies Center, Ifri
  • Steve MURRAY, VP Strategy & Marketing, Thales UK
  • Dominic HALL, Global Head of Ethics, BAE Systems | Chair of the International Forum on Business Ethical Conduct (IFBEC)
  • Thierry GAIFFE, CEO, ELNO Group


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iDeaS by COGES EVENTS offers you a series of meetings to share the latest news with all the players in the international defence and security community.

The programme puts into perspective the major themes of the trade shows organised by COGES EVENTS.