iDeaS by COGES EVENTS invites you to their event

The European Defence Fund: the leverage towards European technological and digital autonomy?


About this event

As part of our monthly iDeaS by COGES Events, we are pleased to present this 11th e-conference - in English - :

The European Defence Fund: the leverage towards European technological and digital autonomy?

During this panel discussion, we will explore the strategic European Defence Fund (EDF). How does it work and how is it implemented to strengthen the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB) and the interoperability of European equipment. We will go further and think about the emergence of a European army. Our panelists will also talk about the innovation offered by the EDF, the new synergies between the civil, space and defence industries and the European defence equipment market.

At the end of the debate, you will have the opportunity to ask questions to our high-level panelists.


  • Léa BENASSEM--DURIEUX, Conferences Manager, COGES Events


  • Sylvia KAINZ-HUBER, Head of Unit at the Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS) at the European Commission, responsible for the implementation of the European Defence Fund
  • Laure de ROCHEGONDE, Research Fellow, Security Studies Center, the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI)
  • Axel NICOLAS, Head of European Affairs and Studies at the French Land Defence and Security Industry Association (GICAT)


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iDeaS by COGES EVENTS offers you a series of meetings to share the latest news with all the players in the international defence and security community.

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