Cold War Patriots invites you to their event

Living Well with Cancer


About this event

Register above to hear directly from Marcelle Murray, a Registered Nurse, who has worked directly with hundreds of nuclear weapons and uranium workers diagnosed with cancer. Join her as she discusses:

  • Tips for easing cancer treatment side effects; such as pain, chemo brain and fatigue
  • Available treatment options
  • Methods to manage and maintain your lifestyle
  • How to maximize your EEOICPA benefits and your U.S. DOL medical benefits white card
  • Customized care options available to you

After you register, you will receive an email with instructions on how to watch the 22-minute presentation immediately.

Recommended for: Anyone affected by cancer, including lung, skin, bone, leukemia, breast, gallbladder, thyroid, any of the 22 SEC covered cancers, or anyone with a general interest in useful information regarding cancer.

If you have any questions, please email This presentation is hosted by Cold War Patriots and our founding company, Professional Case Management.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Cold War Patriots Events