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[Replay 2020] How to optimise your omnichannel customer journey?

Über dieses Event

It is undeniable that customer journeys play an important role in every company’s marketing.

Companies should find ways to optimise their customer journey across all business channels – both digital and physical.

However, what exactly lies behind the term customer journey? What potential do omnichannel customer journeys offer in terms of Customer Relationship Management? And what added value does it bring to the company in the long term?

These and other fundamental questions on customer journeys will be addressed in the webinar held jointly with the „Deutsche Post“.

Topic of the webinar:

„How do digital and physical channels supplement each other optimally

along the entire customer journey?“

How can unknown website visitors be turned into new customers through retargeting? Which role do individualized print mailings play hereby?

Two experts will inform you profoundly about omnichannel customer journeys:

1. Michael Peters, Strategic Partner Manager Deutsche Post & DHL Parcel

With 10 years professional experience at Deutsche Post DHL with focus on digital marketing industry & cross-border logistics, his current main focus is on assesment of digital products, business models and technologies. Another focus is on how to develop, manage and leverage various technology and data partnerships to enable the transformation of dialogue marketing.

2. Timo von Focht, Country Manager D-A-C-H at Commanders Act

He is responsible for the development of the German speaking markets. Previously, he was Senior Enterprise Account Manager for Adobe’s strategic customers. Further stations were in the area of website optimization and analysis. For more than 15 years, he has been working in the areas of Big Data, Web Intelligence, Digital Marketing and E-Commerce, regularly publishing professional articles and giving lectures to professional audiences on these topics.

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Commanders Act

The Cookieless Marketing Platform

Commanders Act publishes a european Customer Data Platform that enables real-time collection, control, enrichment and sharing of first-party customer data through a server-side approach.