DAF Giving Summit invites you to their event

The 2023 Public Policy Agenda and Its Impact on Philanthropy

About this event

During the first DAF Giving Summit webinar, join us to hear Sara Barba, Vice President at DC-based Integer, share what the new Congress could mean for policy relating to philanthropy.

Here’s what you’ll take away:

  • How regulations and proposals from the administration could affect giving to DAFs, and what opportunities there might be to influence their direction.
  • Why right now is the time to pay attention and respond to policy proposals that could impact your organization and donors.
  • The next steps for staying informed and opportunities to proactively engage to ensure clients, donors, grantees, and other stakeholders have a seat at the table.

Don’t miss out on this enlightening conversation. Reserve your spot today for the DAF Giving Summit webinar on Monday, March 20th at 10am PT / 1pm ET.

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    Sara Barba Vice President @ Integer

  • Team member
    Gregory Baker Executive Vice President @ Ren

DAF Giving Summit

Be the Impact

The only industry event of its kind, the DAF Giving Summit was created to bring charitable giving into the modern world, from showcasing new technologies to sharing best practices and more.