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About this event
This course has been conceived by actuaries for actuaries, accounting for all the specificities of insurance data instead of simply re-using standard recipes borrowed from other fields. The sessions proceed step by step, recalling the fundamental statistical concepts behind the Micro Reserving techniques. Their relative merits are illustrated by means of several case studies with insurance data.
The sessions aim to be interactive, alternating between methodological parts and case studies performed in front of the audience. Participants are invited to use their own PC. Documentation including data sets and R code is made available through a supporting website. The installation of R packages prior to attendance is required.
After completion of the training session, participants will have acquired a general knowledge of micro reserving in insurance. They will be able to select the appropriate approach for their own data, run the R code and interpret the results.
Hosted by
Actuarial consulting and training firm helping companies to solve their challenges through expertise and innovation.
Detralytics was founded to support companies in the advancement of actuarial science and help them to solve their challenges, while offering the perfect stepping stone to the most talented actuarial students, as they will be able to evolve with our senior experts through our TAP and TCP programs.