asbl invites you to their event

Webinar: Women in Tech

About this event

What will it take to get more women into tech careers?

On International Women’s Day, will host a webinar to get a conversation on the role of women in IT and how to close the gender gap.

A critical state

Increased participation of women in the tech sector will boost the economy and allow for their full participation in society. Although the digital sector is rapidly growing, creating hundreds of thousands of new jobs every year, the share of women in this sector is still under-estimated.

Diversity is also critical in the digital world. Companies perform better, hire better talent and retain / engage workers in a better way when they are incline to diversity and inclusion in their core business. Despite this, women remain widely underrepresented in IT roles.

  • How can we encourage women to study or follow a career in the web industry?
  • What concrete initiatives have been taken in Brussels/Belgium to encourage and empower women to play a more active role in the digital era?
  • What trends are shaping the future of Women in IT?

Our experts will try to answer these questions:

  • Loubna Azghoud - Digital advisor & consultant | Innovation Valley - EN/FR
  • Katrien Herdewyn - Founder & CEO | Elegnano - EN/NL
  • Dewi Van De Vyver - CEO | Flow Pilots - EN/NL
  • Valérie Zapico - Founder & CEO | Valkuren - EN/FR
  • Carmina Coenen - Leader of the Talent Ecosystem team| Salesforce Northern Europe - EN/FR

Interested? Register and join us on March 8th

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    Carmina Coenen Talent Ecosystem team Leader @ Salesforce

  • Guest speaker
    Valérie Zapico CEO & Founder @ Valkuren

  • Guest speaker
    Dewi Van De Vyver CEO @ Flow Pilot

  • Guest speaker
    Katrien Herdewyn CEO & Founder @ Elegnano

  • Guest speaker
    Loubna Azghoud Advisor @ Innovation Valley

  • Team member
    Digitalcity Team asbl

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