Document Security Alliance invites you to their event

DSA Meeting - April

Thursday, April 8th 2021 - 2:00 PM (GMT)

The event is over. See you in the next one.

About this event

Please join us for our April 8th DSA meeting featuring a presentation on Covid Vaccine Credentials. Kaliya Young, Ecosystems Director for the COVID-19 Credentials Initiative, will speak on “Developing Vaccine Credentials on a Future-Proof Digital Infrastructure

The COVID-19 Credentials Initiative since day one has been focusing on enabling the use of W3C Verifiable Credentials (VCs), an emerging open standard, for COVID-related credentialing systems. W3C VCs were already deployed in the private and public sectors prior to COVID-19 as they enable interoperable, tamper-evident and user-centric identity systems. As more governments start to build their digital infrastructures on W3C VCs and another emerging standard called W3C Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs), we are going to see a big shift in how online and offline identities are managed. Vaccine credentials, as well as other COVID-related credentials, are likely to play a key role in reopening our society, which makes it important for any systems built for them to fit into the long-term picture while being able to work with existing infrastructure.

In addition, Christopher Haas, Engineering Fellow at the University of St. Thomas, Minnesota, will provide his "8 Minutes of Fame".

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    CH G
    Chris Haas Engineering Fellow @ University of St. Thomas

  • Guest speaker
    KY G
    Kaliya Young Ecosystems Director @ COVID-19 Credentials Initiative

  • Guest speaker
    LY G
    Lucy Yang Community Director @ COVID-19 Credentials Initiative

Document Security Alliance

Enhancing Document and Identity Security

The DSA is an alliance of government, industry and academia dedicated to securing the production, issuance, and authentication of identity, credentials, and currency to help combat fraud and other criminal acts by drawing upon the knowledge and technical disciplines of its members.