Double the Donation invites you to their event

Corporate Sponsorships: How Nonprofits Can Partner with Companies to Drive Support and Engagement, hosted by Double the Donation and Millie

About this event

Corporate Sponsorships: How Nonprofits Can Partner with Companies to Drive Support and Engagement

Double the Donation and Millie are pleased to invite you to our joint live stream, “Corporate Sponsorships: How Nonprofits Can Partner with Companies to Drive Support and Engagement”.

Your organization has probably heard of corporate sponsorships (and may even have existing corporate partners) - but are you following industry best practices to maximize potential company backing?

Join our joint presentation to learn how your organization can fuel fundraising through corporate collaboration! We’ll dive into:

  • Strategies to find and develop corporate relationships
  • Benefits of corporate partnerships (and activities to avoid!)
  • How to involve donors in corporate sponsorship initiatives
  • And more!

Ready to learn how to aid your organization through this form of workplace giving? Use the link to register for our presentation!

Can’t make it the day of the session? No sweat - sign up anyways for a live replay sent straight to your inbox.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Julia Beltran Partnerships Manager @ Double the Donation

    Facilitating Relationships with Fundraising Experts to Drive Corporate Philanthropy Opportunities

  • Guest speaker
    Rachel Klausner Founder and CEO @ Millie Giving

    Founder of Millie | Social Impact

Double the Donation

The industry leader in matching gift automation

Double the Donation is the leading provider of matching gift automation to fundraising organizations. Double the Donation integrates seamlessly with fundraising platforms to increase revenue. DTD also specializes in industry research and resources to aid in nonprofit success.