About this event
Many companies offer programs that match employee donations to charitable organizations. Some programs are year-round, while others support particular events organizations.
A one-off match is a match from a company geared toward a specific campaign that a nonprofit organization is having.
Teams and fundraisers who leverage one-off matches or use our customized resources increase their total giving on average by 62%.
In this webinar, you'll learn how to do the following:
Join our event on January 31st to learn how you can increase your matching gift revenue with one-off matching gift programs. Can't join the day of the session? Not a problem - register anyways, and we'll send a recording straight to you!
Hosted by
Double the Donation is the leading provider of matching gift automation to fundraising organizations. Double the Donation integrates seamlessly with fundraising platforms to increase revenue. DTD also specializes in industry research and resources to aid in nonprofit success.