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Double the Donation's Workplace Giving Series: How to Build a Corporate Development Strategy

About this event

Building a corporate development strategy can help your organization become more resilient to changes in the fundraising landscape. Backed by strong corporate engagement, your organization can improve fundraising efficiency. If you are looking to implement a corporate development strategy at your organization though, you might be wondering: how do I get started? How can I maximize my chances of success without having to divert too much of my time away from other activities?

Join Double the Donation and Tom Mansmith, former Sr. Director of Workplace Giving at the American Cancer Society, for this session of our Workplace Giving Series as we discuss corporate engagement opportunities and provide strategies and tactics to get started with these initiatives today. We will cover:

  • Best practices for getting started with corporate development
  • How reaching donors through matching gift and volunteer grants programs brings you closer to developing a relationship with those companies
  • The best ways to engage companies and nurture the relationship
  • & More!

By the end of this presentation, you will feel well equipped to leverage workplace giving and corporate engagement opportunities to benefit your organization.

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Hosted by

  • Team member
    Double the Donation Team

  • Team member
    Mackenzie Burckbuchler Partnership Success Specialist @ Double the Donation

Double the Donation

The industry leader in matching gift automation

Double the Donation is the leading provider of matching gift automation to fundraising organizations. Double the Donation integrates seamlessly with fundraising platforms to increase revenue. DTD also specializes in industry research and resources to aid in nonprofit success.