Double the Donation invites you to their event

Double the Donation’s Workplace Giving Series: Measuring Success across Workplace Giving Programs

About this event

Join Double the Donation and Field Day for the latest installment of our workplace giving series as we talk through Measuring Success across Workplace Giving Programs. Field Day is a social impact platform that enables companies and nonprofits to directly work together to mobilize employees through workplace giving and volunteering programs, resulting in meaningful engagement in their local communities. With many stakeholders, workplace giving programs are measured across multiple metrics: employee engagement, dollars donated, causes supported, and others we'll share during the session. As a fundraising organization, it’s important to understand where exactly you fit into this equation of success, so you can best leverage workplace giving initiatives to raise more for your mission!

As companies look to optimize their giving programs, nonprofits organizations should know the best ways to be on the receiving end of growing corporate generosity. In this presentation, we will talk through how companies measure success and how organizations can set themselves up for meaningful and impactful corporate engagement with an inside perspective from Field Day.

During this session, you’ll learn more about:

  • What metrics matter to companies
  • How companies build successful workplace giving programs
  • Effective strategies for program beneficiaries
  • And more!

As we kick off 2025, workplace giving looks to be another valuable revenue stream for nonprofit fundraisers, so join us today to ensure you’re ready to make the most of corporate giving.

We can’t wait to see you there. Register today to secure your spot!

Can’t make it the day of the session? No problem, register anyway to receive the recording straight to your inbox.

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    Eli Blackman Co-founder and CEO @ Field Day

  • Team member
    Grace Green Senior Partnership Specialist @ Double the Donation

Double the Donation

The industry leader in matching gift automation

Double the Donation is the leading provider of matching gift automation to fundraising organizations. Double the Donation integrates seamlessly with fundraising platforms to increase revenue. DTD also specializes in industry research and resources to aid in nonprofit success.