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Greenwashing in the Built Environment: Unravelling Truths and Mitigating Risks

About this event

Greenwashing in the Built Environment: Unravelling Truths and Mitigating Risks

As the global push for sustainability continues, the construction industry faces an urgent challenge: the pervasive issue of greenwashing. A groundbreaking survey, initiated by Futurebuild and The Anti-Greenwash Charter, delves into this pressing concern. During our exclusive webinar, we will unpack these critical findings and their implications for organisations in the built environment sector.

Key points to be discussed include:

  • An alarming 90% of businesses believe that greenwashing plagues the industry.
  • How deceptive green claims can severely tarnish a company's reputation with 74% of respondents affirming this.
  • The potential commercial consequences and the threat to genuine sustainability objectives.
  • The pressing need for evidence-backed green claims to bolster trust and integrity. A mere allegation of greenwashing can lead 58% of businesses to cut ties with a supplier.
  • Strategies for firms to navigate the intricate terrain of sustainability and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) marketing, ensuring claims are both ethical and substantiated.

Don’t miss this opportunity to understand greenwashing’s broad ramifications and discover concrete steps to fortify your business against its pitfalls. Ensure your sustainability efforts are genuine and recognised in an industry pushing for a greener future.

The Anti-Greenwash Charter

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    Charlie Martin Co-Founder @ The Anti-Greenwash Charter

    Charlie is a staunch advocate for responsible marketing and the co-founder of the Anti-Greenwash Charter. Additionally, he serves as a director at Gusto, a branding and marketing agency specialising in assisting sustainability-focused organisations in the built environment industry enhance their brand and boost their online visibility.

  • Team member
    Martin Hurn Event Director @ Futurebuild