À propos de cet événement
Starting January 1, 2025, Ecomaison is updating its eco-participation rates to reflect the significant increase in small furniture products entering the market and to incorporate new eco-modulation criteria.
Eco-participation will be adjusted based on the recyclability of materials, the use of renewable and certified resources, and the extension of product lifespan, provided that supporting documentation is presented.To present the new rates, we invite you to our presentation webinar : which will be held on thursday, the 19th of september from 9:30am to 10:30am UTC+2).
Ecomaison, l’éco-organisme pour toute la maison ! Notre rôle est d’organiser la collecte, le tri, la réparation, le réemploi, le recyclage pour assurer la seconde vie de tous les objets et matériaux de la maison. Ecomaison saura toujours quoi faire d’un objet dont on ne sait plus quoi faire.