ESSCA invites you to their event

MasterClass: Shuttering the glass: Gender dynamics in the workplace – by Professor Timea DAVID

About this event

“Glass ceiling”, “glass wall”, “glass elevator”… metaphors like these express the various invisible, yet very real challenges that women face along their career. But where do these obstacles originate? What is their relevance for one’s success in professional life? Join us for an engaging discussion with Professor Timea David from the department of Organization, Management & Human Resources at ESSCA School of Management to learn more about it!

What to expect?

  • Introduction to ESSCA School of Management and the available programmes at the Budapest Campus of ESSCA
  • MasterClass lecture on Gender dynamics in the workplace

The webinar is recommended for students interested in ESSCA's under- and postgraduate programmes.

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    TD G
    Timea David


Créateurs d'avenirs

Créée en 1909, l’ESSCA délivre avec son Programme Grande Ecole un diplôme Bac+5 visé, revêtu du grade de Master et avec son programme Bachelor en Management International un diplôme Bac+3 grade de Licence.