Factry invites you to their event

Factry Historian v6.2 in Action

About this event

With the release of Factry Historian v6.2, we’re unveiling a world of improved usability and superior performance. Designed for power users, this update is not just about what you see on the surface. It’s about enhancing the core functionalities that drive customer experience.

Historian Team Lead David Dierickx and Lead Data Engineer Jeroen Lavens will show off the new functionalities of the Historian Q3 release.

Here's what you can expect:

  • Integration capabilities with external databases
  • Streamlined task management through Worker Pools
  • Equipping power users with more calculation context
  • Improved UI through a series of smaller adjustments

Can't wait to see the new update in action? Here is a little teaser!

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Jolan De Cock Head of Marketing @ Factry


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