Factry invites you to their event

Paths to MES success

About this event

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How to prepare for a successful MES implementation

Manufacturing companies are always looking for new ways to boost their efficiency to retain a competitive edge. There are plenty of systems to help them do this, but one of the most critical of them all is the Manufacturing Execution System (MES).

In this webinar, we’ll tell you how to recognise the signs that your company is in dire need of an MES, and what the positive impact of an MES can be… if done right. We’ll show you our tried and tested method to help companies prepare for the implementation and make their MES projects a success.

Together with our guest speakers, the implementation and consultancy experts of AG Solution, we'll show you how to tackle such projects so you can avoid common pitfalls


  • Introduction
  • Why you need an MES
  • How to prepare for an MES implementation
  • Choosing the right vendor for your needs (+ use cases)
  • The MES at the center of your digital transformation journey
  • Q&A

Presented by:

  • Yves Bourgeois

COO at Factry

  • Alex Alcover

MES Systems Engineer at AG Solution

  • Jean Cornillon

MES Systems Engineer at AG Solution

We’re looking forward to welcoming you on Thursday September 5th (11:55 AM - 12:45 PM CEST).

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    Jean Cornillon MES System Engineer @ AG Solution

  • Team member
    Jolan De Cock Head of Marketing @ Factry

  • Guest speaker
    Alex Alcover MES System Engineer @ AG Solution

  • Team member
    Yves Bourgeois COO @ Factry


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Gain an edge on your competitors with open Industrial IoT (IIoT) software. Find solutions for machine data collection, dashboarding, MES & OEE.