Forum InCyber (FIC) invites you to their event

United we stand, divided we fall - Citizens and 21st century cybersecurity

About this event

Increases in cyber-attacks seems never-ending. Numerous European, national and private-sector initiatives focus on improving the online safety of governments and companies, but the empowerment of citizens has often been neglected. Citizens remain the weakest link in cybersecurity, and must urgently become the centre of cybersecurity efforts. 

The launch of the FIC Agora’s latest white paper “United we stand, divided we fall - Citizens and 21st century cybersecurity” will be an opportunity to bring together representatives from the European institutions, national governments and the private sector to reflect on how to put citizens at the heart of today’s cybersecurity efforts.

The event will tackle questions such as:

  • How can citizens be better protected in a changing online landscape?
  • Who is responsible for protecting citizens on the cyberspace? 
  • How can citizens be empowered to become the strongest rather than the weakest link? 
  • What efforts should be made in the EU to increase cybersecurity awareness? 

This event is organised by the FIC Agora, the FIC’s platform for debate and dialogue to fuel the conversation and advance the ideas raised at the FIC conference.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Forum InCyber

    Le Forum InCyber (FIC) est le principal événement européen sur les questions de la sécurité et de confiance numérique.

  • Guest speaker
    RE G
    Régie Event 1 Régie @ Régie


  • Guest speaker
    RE G
    Régie Event 2 Régie

Forum InCyber (FIC)

L'événement de référence en matière de sécurité et de confiance numérique

Le Forum InCyber (FIC) est le principal événement européen sur les questions de la sécurité et de confiance numérique. Depuis 2022, le Forum InCyber s'exporte au Canada au sein du Forum Incyber Canada à Montréal.