Fira Barcelona invites you to their event


About this event

Tech Transfer Virtual Forum

European project Presentation: HYDROGEN & ENERGY

An open and effective dialogue with the main scientific-technical players on the greatest challenges facing industry.

Science, technology, and knowledge at the service of pioneers in the application industries.

Expoquimia will prepare a 360º events, a meeting points for Scientifics projects, industrial startups, corporates, investors and technology partners with the aim to exchange knowledge, to disseminate the innovation and transform your project to a reality



Ms. Pilar Navarro,Director, Expoquimia


Ms. Raquel Alonso Blanco,Consejera Técnica, SG de Políticas Sectoriales Industriales, Dirección General de Industria y de la PYME- Mº Industria, Comercio y Turismo


Simulation and development of catalytic membrane reactors for hydrogen technology

Alejandro Cifuentes,Simulation and development of catalytic membrane reactors for hydrogen technology & Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya,


Juan de Dios Sirvent ,Harvestore,IREC - Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya

Catalysts for synthetic natural gas production

Jordi Guilera,Catalysts for synthetic natural gas production &IREC - Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya,


Maritta Lira,Newsoc,IREC - Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya


Alberto Bucci,Electra; ICIQ: Institut Català d'investigació química,



UNPRECEDENTED Webinar Series sheds a light on the transformational challenges related to Circular Economy, Digitization and Tech Transfer.

Together we have designed a series of online activities named Industrial Dialogues, aimed towards showcasing examples and solutions on how the sector will be able to overcome the challenges ahead.

An initiative of:

Organizations participants:

Institutional Partners:

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    Alberto Bucci Researcher @ ICIQ

    Dr. Alberto Bucci holds a PhD in Chemical Sciences from the University of Perugia. In 2017 he joined ICIQ first as postdoc and in 2021 he moved to the tech transfer unit. He has almost ten years' experience in the field of catalysis for energy and he developed the ELECTRA technology in late 2019.

  • Guest speaker
    Raquel Alonso Consejera Técnica @ "SG de Políticas Sectoriales Industriales Dirección General de Industria y de la PYME Mº Industria,

    Ing Industrial por la UPV y el Institut Catholique d'Arts et Métiers de Francia. Se incorporó a la Adm. General del Estado en 2017, inicialmente con Jefe de Servicio del Area de Medioambiente y en la actualidad el cargo de Consejera Técnica del Area Química dentro del MINCOTUR

  • Guest speaker
    Blai López Investigador del Grupo de Construcción y Energías Renovables @ AIMPLAS

  • Guest speaker
    Maritta Lira NEWSOC @ IREC

    Maritta Lira received her bachelor´s and master’s degree in Chemical Engineering at UFRN (Brazil). During her master, she focused in nanomaterials for catalysis and developed a process to obtain a nanocatalyst from a raw mineral.

  • Guest speaker
    Jordi Guilera Manufacture of catalyst for synthetic natural gas production of renewable origin @ IREC

    Jordi Guilera is a R&D Project Engineer at IREC. He holds a PhD in Advanced Technologies from University of Barcelona. His main expertise is in advanced materials and chemical processes for synthetic fuels applications. He is the author of +20 papers in catalytic processes and 2 books on hydrogen.

  • Guest speaker
    Juande Sirvent Verdú Harvestore @ IREC

    Juande Sirvent is part of the Nanoionics and Fuel Cells team at (IREC), where he is pursuing his PhD thesis in the context of the Harvestore project. His work focuses on thin film-based solid oxide materials for high-temperature energy harvesting and storage.

  • Guest speaker
    Alejandro Cifuentes Simulation and development of catalytic membrane reactors for hydrogen technology @ Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

    Energy Engineer from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. He also holds a Master's degree in Renewable Energies and Energy Sustainability from the Universitat de Barcelona. He is currently doing his PhD in the NEMEN research group on membrane reactor technology.

  • Team member
    Pilar Navarro

Fira Barcelona

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