FutureBridge invites you to their event

Factory of the Future – Potential of the digital domain

About this event

The recent developments in computing technologies have made modeling and simulation much more robust, fast, and accessible. The digital domain is defined as taking information about the product, process, or environment from the real world into a computer system and manipulating it to mimic the real world in order to analyze the same. New tools and technologies have made every step much easier ultimately simplifying or eliminating the tasks in the real world.

The webinar will highlight key challenges that prohibited the adoption of digital domain technologies across applications in the manufacturing industry and how recent developments have resolved most of those challenges. The webinar will map and prioritize the non-traditional applications while highlighting a few cases where organizations have already eliminated a physical process with a digital one. And lastly, the webinar will create a future timeline indicating features, applications, and evolution of various performance parameters related to these technologies.

There is huge potential in utilizing the digital domain in every part of the product lifecycle from design to end-of-life; as well as for every stakeholder from developers, manufacturers, sellers, and consumers. This webinar will highlight how different stakeholders across functions and industries can create value and make their processes agile using the power of the digital domain. It will also talk about tools and technologies available today and how few players are already using them in much more than the traditional use cases.

The webinar will summarize:

  • New and traditional applications of technologies of digital domain: advantages, value creation, and solution to existing process challenges
  • Features, capabilities, and technologies: Roadmap for the next 5 Years
  • Success stories: The non-traditional use cases of the digital domain

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Tanay Choure Director - Industrial and Automotive Practice @ FutureBridge

    A Futurist. Expertise in analysis of technology evolution, convergence, and resulting threats & opportunities for Mobility and Industrial Machinery suppliers/OEMs


Be the Future.

FutureBridge is a techno-commercial consulting and advisory company.

We track and advise on the future of industries from a 1-to-25-year perspective to keep you ahead of the technology curve, propel your growth, Identify new opportunities, markets and business models, answer your unknowns, and fac