SECAS Team invites you to their event

Alt HAN Co: What Suppliers need know

Tuesday, September 28th 2021 - 10:00 AM (GMT)

The event is over. See you in the next one.

About this event

The Alternative Home Area Network Company (Alt HAN Co) Managing Director, Paul Cooper, will explain the delivery approach, a look back at progress made during 2021, the journey to being an Alt HAN user and why Suppliers should get on board with Alt HAN. You’ll also have the opportunity to put your questions to the Alt HAN Team.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Party Engagement Team SECAS

  • Guest speaker
    CS G
    Colin Sausman Alt HAN Co

  • Guest speaker
    PC G
    Paul Cooper

  • Guest speaker
    NZ G
    Nas Zeb

  • Guest speaker
    CP G
    Chris Perry Alt Han Co

  • Guest speaker
    DJ G
    David Jones Alt HAN Co

  • Guest speaker
    EO G
    Emike Ogowewo Alt HAN Co