GIM invites you to their event

How Elia supports data quality with FME

About this event

Due to the Coronacrisis, this year the FME World Tour is coming to you ! As a replacement for the FME World Tour in Leuven on may 5th, GIM presents a full and exciting program during several short webinars, spread over may and june. Webinars are interactive online seminars. You can choose the session(s) you want to attend, depending on your interests and availability.

Data quality is an important concern for organisations working with large data volumes. FME has a number of tools and transformers that can be used for data validation. Some are specifically designed for data validation. Others are not specific to data validation, but can be used for that purpose. With FME you can identify quality issues, assess their impact and fix them!

During this seminar, Lennert Defeyter from GIM will present how FME can be used to fix your data. Rob Vangeneugden from Elia will present how Elia uses FME for supporting the quality of its geodata.

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    LD G
    Lennert De Feyter GIS analyst @ GIM

  • Guest speaker
    RV G
    Rob Vangeneugden Business Analyst @ Elia


Smart Geo Insights

GIM is a leading Belgian provider of geospatial data integration, geospatial AI and Geo-ICT solutions. With a team of more than 70 geo experts, GIM is helping businesses, authorities and utilities to take smarter decisions and to work faster.