Greenbook invites you to their event

Defending Consumer Insights: How to Win the Battle Against Bots and AI Threats

About this event

Our industry is facing a major generational challenge. With the rise of easy open access to artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT, the rise of click farms and bot operators has become ever more sophisticated. The authenticity of our consumer research is under attack. The bots are advancing much faster than traditional defenses. 

That means the same old best practices are no longer up to the task. 

Join Greenbook and Suzy for a free webinar to hear how Suzy is putting tech at the core to fight back — and learn how you too can win the battle against bots and AI threats. You’ll hear from Suzy’s Chief Customer Officer Katie Gross, and Chief Technology Innovation Officer William Mansfield, as they detail what the latest quality threats mean for our industry as a whole, and share their innovative and actionable approach to bot battling. 

Key Takeaways:

  • The current status of quality threats to the market research, insights, and analytics industry
  • A deeper look at Biotic, Suzy’s game-changing patent-pending technology
  • Actionable insights for companies to ensure their survey data is from real consumers

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    Katie Gross Chief Customer Officer @ Suzy

    A long-time MRX veteran, Katie Gross knows the importance of bringing your consumer into every business decision. Her deep understanding of the full market research value chain stems from 18 years of international experience across every facet of the industry — working with insights agencies Mintel and Stylus to individual brands at Avilton Foods, and even within the world of programmatic survey sampling at Cint and Toluna. Now in her role as Chief Customer Officer, she manages the Sales, CS, and Market Research Center of Excellence teams to provide best-in-class customer service for Suzy’s impressive roster of enterprise clients. Outside of work, Katie tirelessly advocates for women in the workplace, with an added focus on fostering financial independence.

  • Guest speaker
    Will Mansfield Chief Technology Innovation Officer @ Suzy

    As Chief Technology Innovation Officer, William Mansfield spends most of his time “behind the curtain” as the Suzy platform’s technical lead and chief architect. A former consultant and contract engineer with almost two decades of experience, his widely diverse skill set helps him to successfully manage remote developer from all over the world, covering Native, Mobile, and Back-End technologies, Before his current role at Suzy, William Mansfield spent the previous 15 years working as a technical lead across multiple projects. He is the founder and architect for Social Haven, a white-label social engagement platform, and also served as Principal Technical Architect on RepNation, a brand advocacy management suite within Publicis. In his spare time he teaches coding classes to junior engineers at Suzy, assists local students at the UNCW Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and co-mentors young business owners in his home of Wilmington, NC.


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