Growth Channel invites you to their event

How to Scale Beyond Google & Meta Ads To Get Ahead of Your Competition

About this event

Tired of hitting a ceiling with Google or Meta Ads? Or looking for a clear strategy to help your clients scale beyond these platforms? Get a step-by-step guide to grow beyond your Google & Meta Ads. Discover how to add additional value to your current clients and how ours are creating a more reliable and steady income stream with hyper-targeted ads and advanced audience targeting strategies.

What we will cover in this webinar:

  1. Advanced optimization tactics for Google & Meta Ads campaigns for better results and lower costs
  2. The exact gameplan our clients use to scale further when they've hit a real ceiling with Google & Meta Ads
  3. Beyond the basics: how to use hyper-segmented audience targeting to effectively reach niche customers
  4. The #1 growth strategy our clients use that yours wish they had. And yes, we'll share it all with you!

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Pamela Wagner CGO @ Growth Channel

  • Team member
    Maryna Burushkina CEO @ Growth Channel

Growth Channel

AI-Powered Advertising Engine For Modern Brands & Agencies

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