GTI invites you to their event

Cibyl Webinar Series 2023: How is the cost of living crisis impacting student and graduate choices?

About this event

This webinar will explore how the cost-of-living crisis continues to impact graduate career choices, and whether the situation has got better or worse since we last asked students about it in December 2022, comparing last years' findings with insights from a recent snap survey. We will also draw on insights from within our Cibyl Graduate UK 2023 research, which captured the views of 66,181 respondents from 160 + UK institutions.

We'll be looking at a number of areas including:

  • YoY changes to the impacts of cost-of-living to the career decisions students and graduates are making
  • How their job role or sector choices have changed
  • Reward and support expectations
  • The correlation of where students are from, where they study, and where they want to work
  • How financial challenges differ between student groups

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Lisa Marris Head of Research @ Cibyl

  • Team member
    Webinar Moderator GTI


Helping students realise their potential

GTI supports students, universities and employers with a platform for career development and hiring.