Hempel invites you to their event

[On Demand] Understanding ISO 19277 : 2018 - Testing protective coatings for CUI conditions


About this event

ISO 19277 was introduced in 2018 to address the issue of pre-qualification of protective coatings for use in CUI (Corrosion Under Insulation) environments.

As well as providing details on tests which can be used to replicate the CUI environment it also identifies tests which can be useful in predicting the coatings performance in other environments prior to the onset of CUI.

This short webinar will focus on the key sections of the document, how it may be interpreted, as well as its strengths and limitations.

The topic will be introduced by Simon Daly, Hempels CUI & high heat coatings business development manager and a member of the group originally responsible for the development of ISO 19277.


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As a world-leading supplier of trusted coating solutions, Hempel is a global company with strong values, working with customers in the protective, marine, decorative, container and yacht industries.